England, 1950s. While out playing in the woods, ten-year-old Mark meets a man living in an old railway carriage. Despite his wild appearance, the stranger, who introduces himself as Aubrey Hillyard, is captivating — an irreverent outsider who is shunned by Mark’s fellow villagers, and a writer to boot. Aubrey encourages Mark to tell stories about his own make-believe world, and in return he informs the boy about a novel he is writing — a work of ominous science fiction.
As the meddling villagers plot to drive Aubrey out, Mark finds himself caught between two worlds yet convinced that he must help Aubrey prevail at any cost.
Praise for The Summer of Broken Stories
“Wilson has a gifted, original voice.” The Daily Telegraph
“A superb book, a magical book.”
Derek Beaven
“...this gentle, everyday tale of little England folk reveals itself to be deliciously multi-layered and more complicated than we could have suspected at the outset. ”
Ani Johnson on thebookbag.co.uk